Histon Manor - Bringing fun, laughter and success to our clients with a warm heart.

Histon Manor is a privately owned estate dating from the 16th century with a wonderfully eclectic history of previous owners. We were fortunate enough to move here in 2018.

We are a little different from most commercial venues. Income from events and shoots is directly reinvested in the grounds to help develop the gardens further. After our annual income target is reached, 100% of profits over that figure go directly to our chosen charity. This also means that when we open for our regular charity fundraising days, the gardens become an even bigger attraction and larger funds are generated for important causes.

Each year we choose a charity to focus our fundraising on. 2023 saw £4875.00 raised for Camtrust, our lead charity for that year, and several £1000.00s more for other charities. We are also fortunate to work with some wonderful suppliers who are fully supportive of our fundraising and make donations to the charity whenever we refer business to them.

Everything about our venue focuses on bringing happiness and success. We want those attending a wedding or event, to leave laughing, chatting or dancing down the drive. The results of a location shoot should captivate the target audience. If you are here for a strategy meeting, we want you to leave inspired. We are in the fortunate position to say yes to as many of your requests as possible due the exclusive and limited number of events taking place. You have time to set up and to take down. Nothing is rushed and you never feel like another client is queuing to come in. Magical events happen when time pressures are off, with space to work and time to think.

Please note we value the privacy of our discerning clients and prioritise discretion whenever required.

Our mission is to offer a super professional service but with a less commercial feel, whilst raising funds for some fabulous causes. We love people enjoying our grounds and that is precisely what you need from someone hiring a venue. Someone to share the excitement and to be as engaged as you are in the success of the event.

Please do get in touch so I can show you around and chat about your plans.

Katherine Mann - Venue Owner